This is going to a slightly contradictory blog... because I tend to like contradictions on occasion, especially when they involve cookies, such as this one does. But first, I need to do my due diligence (see what I did there?) and talk about Junethon Days 4, 5 & 6.
Day 4: Another simple work out, as I had a fairly busy day and didn't quite have the time to make it to the Y.
Type: Running
Duration: 7.6 minutes
Distance: 0.80 miles
Calories: 80
It was a quick and fast run down the street to pick up my car that was parked at a friends apartment complex. No offense to Wichita, but it's slightly sketchy at night, and it was dusk when I got home, so I definitely wanted to run a little faster than normal to get to my car!
Day 5: ROLLER BLADING! I had not roller bladed in YEARS before I moved to Wichita but a few friends/coworkers have blades and so I decided, what the heck, let's join the fun! So, I bought a pair (surprisingly not as expensive as I thought) and went roller blading for the first time about a month or so ago. It went well for the most part, I got back into the swing of it pretty quickly... until almost a full lap around the park. I believe we did Loop 1 in Sedgwick County Park, which, I just checked, is 3.46 miles. I made it probably about 3.40 miles before I fell. And what an epic fall it was. I ran into some twig/stick thing that I failed to notice lying in the pathway and somehow just completely lost my legs. My friend Kate was behind me and said that I was airborn a few feet above the ground and then BAM!! My butt hit the ground, legs in front, hands down to try and stop my fall. The wind was completely knocked out of me and I could not breathe, much less talk for about 30 seconds. My hands were a little scraped/bruised, my tail-bone was pretty bruised/sore but for the most part, I was okay. Went another lap around the park without incident. Not bad, if I do say so myself! My second time, yesterday evening, went flawlessly! Almost 6 miles without falling once! I think I got the hang of it!
Type: Roller Blading
Duration: 54.49 minutes
Distance: 5.85 miles
Calories: Unknown
<--- These are my roller blades. Pretty sweet, eh?
Day 6: Plyometrics!!
I actually managed to get my butt up early(ish) this morning, since I need to adjust back to a normal sleep schedule, and went to the gym before work. Met up with my friend Kate, and we did Plyometrics. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain!
Plyometrics is a sort of interval training. I ran track in high school and Kate ran cross country in college, so we are both familiar with and enjoy this kind of work out. First, we jog three or four laps around the track, which isn't a full size track at the East YMCA. It takes 11.2 or something laps around the track to complete a mile. So these are fairly short intervals. After jogging, we sprint the long stretch and walk the short curve, and do that for 2 or 3 laps. Then we do a series of butt kicks, knee-highs, lunges, grapevines, running backwards.. etc., all going fast on the long stretch and walking around the curve. It is actually a really good workout, and I am usually sore for a few days afterward, plus I sweat a lot, so I figure it must be working!
Type: Plyometrics
Duration: 45 minutes (approx.)
Distance: Unknown
Calories: Unknown
Up next in the blog of Becky: COOKIE EXPERIMENTS!
So, I kind of enjoy cooking and baking. (Shhh don't tell my mother!) I do though, I always enjoyed and still do enjoy spending time with my mom in the kitchen, making pies and cookies and breads and what ever else. Anyway, yesterday I decided to experiment with some cookies. My mom used to make cookies using cake mix, and they were always amazing. Plus, my sister Sarah sent me some really awesome new cookie sheets for my birthday, so I had to break them in! The Great Cookie Experiment began with a box of yellow cake mix, peanut butter, peanut butter M&M's and other random ingredients. When you transition a cake mix to be cookies, your goal is to make the batter thicker. Since I happen to REALLY love peanut butter, I thought, what better way to add thickness and consistency than peanut butter? Here is the ultimate break down and process:
-Cake mix into a big mixing bowl.
-Add half a cube or slightly more of softened butter
--Add 1/3 cup of vegetable oil
-Add as much peanut butter as you like! (If you're me, that's a lot)
-Add anything else you would like in your cookies (If you're me, that's peanut butter M&M's.)
Roll into balls and place on a cookie sheet. Oven should be pre-heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. I think I baked mine for about 10-12 minutes, but just check and make sure they don't get burned!!
These cookies were a big hit at Kate's blender drinks party last night! Whooo! Great Cookie Experiment GONE RIGHT! Shout out to Kate-Thanks for having an awesome blender drinks party last night, the drinks were really yummy!!
That's all I have for now, I hope your week is going swimmingly (no pun intended for those in the Colorado Springs/Denver area that are seeing mass amounts of rain right now) and your Thursday and Friday's are spectacular!
LOVE these cookies! What an idea! You are becoming quite the baker/cook yourself! Nice workouts! Ok, way too many exclamation points.